Soyeon Kim’s Private Exhibition – Flower Answers user 1월 18, 2021
Soyeon Kim’s Private Exhibition – Flower Answers

Exhibition information
■ Topic: Flower Answers
■ Date: August 3 (Tue) ~ August 20 (Fri)
■ Venue: Parkyeon Cultural Center 1F Exhibition Hall

“Painting is an arrangement of colors on a canvas”

Soyeon, Kim

I am working with nature. Rather than focusing on the external image of nature itself, he pays attention to the invisible things implied therein and maintains the external form, while extending the referential elements in the abstract picture as a whole. “Painting is an arrangement of colors on a canvas” Maurice Denis argued that the essence of painting was based on essential elements such as colors and lines rather than describing objects. In addition, Denis pursued art that could comprehensively express the inner world and at the same time satisfy visual pleasure. While expressing nature, love, and life by tying them together, I pursue the expression of another existence with vitality, rather than simple representation and imitation, through experience and reflection. In the process of emptiness and filling, disappearance and creation, a new imagination unfolds as stains are created or disappeared. By fusionally expressing the figurative and non-formal elements, I try to capture the feelings in my experience that cannot be contained in the form, and to share those feelings in the flow of nature as if walking with someone. – In the studio in June 2021 / written by Soyeon Kim

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